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Celebrate the end of the year with PCC. Come join us for fun, food, games, prizes and Mike Meier’s famous Postal Trivia Quiz.

This event will be attended by USPS leadership from the Rio Grande District and PCC Members, including mail service providers, mail owners and industry vendors. It is a great opportunity to network and make new connections.

WHEN: December 12th, 11:30am – 1pm

WHERE: Community Impact Printing – Colorado Conference Center | 16225 Impact Way, Pflugerville, Texas 78660  P (512) 989-6808

COST: Free to members, $35.00 to non-members

RSVP: Amber Evans Amber.M.Evans@USPS.gov | (512) 342-1236 | RSVP by: December 2nd, 2019

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